Recurring TasksEntity Management
Recurring tasks in Lextree help you stay on top of compliance obligations for any jurisdiction.
Work with a Recurring Task
This section explains how to add, edit, and cancel a recurring task.
Add a recurring task
Creating a recurring task is easy in Lextree:
- To add a recurring task, navigate to the Tasks tab for any entity.
- Select the +Add button.
- Lextree will display the Add Task page.
- Choose Yes at the Recurring Tasks? prompt.
This will open several additional fields.
Recurring Tasks in Lextree for Entity ManagementRecurring Frequency asks for a number which Lextree uses to calculate how often you want the alert. For example, if you want the task recur every two years, enter ‘2’. If you want the task to recur every 13 weeks, enter ‘13’.
Recurring Interval allows you to choose Days, Weeks, or Years.
Assign Days Before tells Lextree how many days before the next due date you want the task appear in your tasks. Lextree will not display the task or send weekly emails until the number of days before the next due date. For example, if the next due date is December 31, 2019, and you enter 30 here, then the task will show up on December 1, 2019.
Note that Lextree will force the assignment date to be the next due date if you enter a number that would make the assignment date in the past. Assume today is June 1. The next due date is July 1. You enter 60 in Assign Days Before. The result would be May 1, but that is in the past. Lextree will just assign the task tomorrow, on June 2 in this example.
Post Recurring Task (Automatically / On Completion) imposes an additional condition on display of the task. If you want the task to appear even if the prior task is not complete, then choose ‘Automatically’. Regulatory filings are a common example. The due date occurs each year whether you file or not. Each task will continue to show in your list. The past due versions will show as past due.
To make the next task contingent on the completion of the prior task, choose ‘On Completion’. Lextree will not show the next task until the first one is fully complete.
Edit a recurring task
You can edit a recurring task like any other task. Navigate to the task because select the title as link. Select the Edit button to make the changes you want.
Cancel a recurring tasks
Choosing Cancel from the task page will cancel all future recurring versions of that task as well.
Task Reports
Recurring task data appears in Reports > Tasks. You can use the filter to display or hide recurring tasks in your report.
Task reports will show all versions of tasks so you can see whether recurring tasks have been completed or not.