Add & Update Alerts
Entity Management


An Alert is an automated email. Alert emails are sent based on user selections made when adding or editing entity document, requirement, or contact records.

Editor users may create or update alerts by doing the following:

Go to Entities and click on an entity’s Legal Name link to view the desired record.

To set an alert for a document, requirement or contact record:

  • On the Documents tab, click Add to create a new document record and related alert or click on the document title link to edit the document record including the alert settings.
  • On the Requirements tab, click Add to create a new requirement record and related alert or click on the requirement summary link to edit the requirement record including the alert settings.
  • On the People tab, click Add to create a new contact record and related alert or click on the name link to edit the contact record including the alert settings.

Each type of alert functions the same way:

  1. Check Send alert? to send email notifications for the selected record.
  2. Enter a number of days, select Before or After, and select a record date field for the alert. For example, to send an email notification 90 days before a record date, enter 90 in the days field and select Before. You may enter 0 days to send an email notification on the selected date.
  3. If needed, select the Repeats option and set the desired frequency of repeating email alerts after the initial alert. Note that you can set repeating alerts to stop after a certain number of occurrences by selecting the Ends After option.
  4. Select Recipients from the list of Lextree users or click Add a new option to enter the name and email address for an email recipient that is not a Lextree user (once entered, these new recipients will be available in the selection list for future alerts). Non-user recipients will only receive the email alerts and will not be able to view any record information in Lextree.
  5. Check Include message? to enter a message to be included in the alert email. Leaving this checkbox blank will send an alert message that only contains the summary information for the selected record.
  6. Click Submit to create or update the alert.