The GRC Popularity Contest

A word about the less-than-scientific method to judge popularity: we looked at about 10 years of search history for “governance,” “risk management,” and “compliance.” Below you will find the results of the popularity contest for the entire world. Regional preferences differ, so we also present the data for the following countries: United States, Australia, Great Britain, India, and South Africa.
The “R” in GRC typically means “Risk.” For this popularity contest, “Risk” was disqualified and “Risk Management” was ushered on stage instead. Risk alone towers over the others, probably (pun intended) because colloquial use of Risk pervades pop culture. Risk management seems to be the more dignified and professional option.
Globally, all three generated a similar amount of interest. It appears that compliance has retained more interest over time.
United States
United Kingdom
South Africa
And the winner is…
Compliance wins by a fair margin.